World Natural Hair Show Atlanta 2015 Samples
Hello All.
Special posts for those interested in possibly attending the World Natural Hair Show, Sunday April 26, 2015 or maybe this Fall. I am always looking to attend events in my area and this one is no exception. I will cover the ins and outs and happenings in a later post, see here:Â but I wanted to get this one out if there are people like me out there who love to find out what samples/freebies you can expect to find at a show of this type.
I am natural and have been for about 4 years and there is always something to learn and this year I made it a point to ask about a special challenge I have.
As you see from the video that there were samples, but I have found that there is not as much as in years past but it is understandable. The products are sometimes expensive and you/we cannot always get something for nothing.
Thank you for reading and watching. Stay tuned for the next video.
God Bless!!