What are you seeing and hearing?
Hello All.
I am going to say this ahead of time and that is some readers will say to themselves or even outloud, “This child is crazy.”
To which, I would reply, “Yeah, maybe.” Stay tuned and you will see why I say this.
This past weekend was the big, “Valentine’s Day” and most were with their significant others and right along with most of the world, so was I. We took a road trip Sunday to ‘bama and we were listening to some 80s on well known internet radio station. Keep in mind I am in my 40s so I was around during that time and have heard some of the songs. Well there is this very popular guy that plays a lot of different instruments and is known for that as well as other things. Well one album of his was quite the how you say risky sort because it had a male body part on the cover. Now true enough, most of the artist’s songs were kinda explicit and at the time I was not even a teenager and was listening to the album. Nothing against my parents because frankly I think they were oblivious to what he was saying and/or the album cover.
There was this song dealing with one of the colors in the primary crayon box and I used to go along quite often singing the song like nothing was wrong with it. Well Sunday I was singing along as usual and low and behold I stopped in mid sentence and said, “What!!!” How could I be so ignorant?
You see, I did not notice what the heck he was talking about. This is why I asked, “What are you seeing and hearing?”, because we go along all the time and just play songs or look at stuff on television and have not a clue as to the ramifications. Things sink in subconsciously and we are sometimes blinded and think oh it is just a commercial or it is just a song.
Things get into your soul through the eye and ear gate, so it is important what you put before your eyes and what you are listening to. We can easily get hooked by the music, but not paying any attention to the words. There have been times where I have listened to aggressive music when I was calm and relaxed and I sometimes find myself feeling more aggressive and in reverse, if I listened to something calm and soothing when I am upset or feeling angry it calms me down.
Have their been times in which you have been lured in by the music, but realized that the words are totally stupid?
What goes in your eyes and ear gates will get to your heart. They can dirty/taint your spirit and affect your life in a negative way.
It might be drastic, but start analyzing the things you see and hear and if it is offensive to Father God and/or you are convicted then turn it off/stop doing it. Your spirit will thank you later.
God Bless!!!