Vindication: Pure Flix Crime Drama Season 2
I received a Pure Flix subscription for free in exchange for sharing about this series and giving my unbiased review #vindicationmin #ad
Can I just start off and say that I honestly believe that I am not doing what I am called to do!! Have you ever seen someone or watching a show and said to yourself, “I should be doing that!” Well I have and it came up recently while watching the New Crime Drama Vindication on Pure Flix. I swear every time I watch an episode, I wonder if it is too late to become a detective.
About Vindication
This faith-based police drama was the vision of Jarod O’Flaherty who was inspired to turn police dramas on their head after watching a series with his wife. O’Flaherty never intended to make a television series, but set out to produce a short film for his church, Retta Baptist Church, in Burleson, Texas. Season 2 is now streaming on Pure Flix every Wednesday night through October 27th.
I shared with you how awesome Vindication was last month and how you too will easily find yourself drawn in. Season 2 is better than Season 1 and will draw you in even more, so expect it.
Lots and lots of drama to be found this season, which is filled with a lot of tension between 2 precincts.
Vindication – Season 2 – Episode 8
Episode 8 focuses on motives being in question as Precincts One and Two stage dueling sting operations that produce vastly different outcomes.
Surprising outcomes that I did not expect at all. It has one thinking and pondering why are we doing things the way we are. Is it for selfish gain or group gain? One sting was drug related and the other prostitution and the individuals arrested. Oh my, was it a shocker.
I enjoy how the things that are in the episodes can easily be real life. Episodes are not too much over 25 minutes and remember, do not blink or you will miss something:)
You too can have a chance at enjoying this show, like so many others like me😊 My sponsor is offering a 6 month subscription to Pure Flix to one lucky winner. All you have to do is enter my Rafflecopter contest below.
Pure Flix Giveaway
If you do not want to take your chance with the giveaway, you can start the free trial to watch here.

Gina Ferrell
My favorite type of TV show is drama and comedy.
Jenny Ham
My favorite are kind of shows are Drama, Crime & Mystery. Something exciting to keep my mind focused.
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Deal or No Deal.