Crucible 5 in 1 Multipurpose Kitchen Tool and Giveaway
Cooking is one of my favorite things to do and as you cooks know it is important to have the right tools to do the job. There have been times that I needed a kitchen tool, but unfortunately I could not find it or I just plain did not have it. I have received a cool 5 in 1 tool by Crucible Cookware dot com which manages to be 5 things that I need most often, spoon rest (your stove will thank you), jar opener (which I usually call hubby for), pot holder (I can never get enough of these), coaster and a trivet. It comes in a pair and…
Veggie Fries, the Healthier Fries
Crispy, lightly salted, and light are part of my description for the perfect fries, but the one characteristic I left out was lots. Lots and lots of delicious and tasty plate of carbs. There have been times in which I would just cook up some fries and grab a plate and some bbq sauce and sit in front of the tv and eat. This week more than others have been crazy, so I did not have a lot of time to prepare something elaborate, but what came to mind was 1) we need something green and 2) something relatively quick to go with turkey burger. Veggie fries are some of…
Making Moves in 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander GT
Atlanta traffic for some reason is not easy to negotiate most days, but I tell you what the 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander GT makes it easier to negotiate in this comfortable and powerful 4-door SUV. Making Moves in 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander GT was an understatement. I have not been Downtown Atlanta 3 times in one week before, but I was able to and enjoyed every minute of it. Prior to me agreeing to test the Outlander, I only had one place to go that week other than work, but within a few days before getting “my precious” I was up to 4 events. Woohoo!! You talk about one happy camper and…
Slimming down with Waist Trimmer
Slimming down and looking great are many of our resolutions every year. It is not a resolution for me (at least not this year), but it is something in addition to getting my insides/heart trimmed from all of the fat this world can bring. I always seem to lose weight in areas that I do not want to lose it and keep it in areas (stomach) I want to cover and never show anyone again. I have seen and I know you have as well women with some type of contraption around their waist, some of which is a waist trimmer but most are waist trainers. I did want to…
As Seen On TV: Turbo Jet Power Washer
Washing the outside windows and very tall windows for most individuals is a chore that one tends to leave until there is no other choice. For instance, when company is coming in during holidays or you are dealing with people, including family, that usually do an inspection when they come and the taller windows are the ones that tend to be left out. We live in a ranch house which thank God does not have very tall windows, but for the sake of experimentation, we decided for this today’s Try Something New Tuesdays (tsnt), that we will try a product from As Seen on TV (Turbo Power Washer).
300 PSI Portable Air Compressor
My wonderful husband loves the house that we are in and guess what the main reason is? If you said because he is a large motor loving, gotta have a loud and noisy engine loving hunk of a man you would be correct. He loves the house only because of the amount of grass and because it is so much he can use a riding mower. Yes, I said it a riding mower. He can totally live in the country and be real comfy out there. He would be one of the men you see riding a dune buggy to the mailbox if he could. He just loves power and…
Toasted Almond Cream Coffee Review
Full of toasty, nutty notes and smoothed over with a soft brush of delectable cream… for a delicious taste and aroma. Now who would pass that up? We didn’t!!! Well that is the description, Kaffe Exotica gave it’s ground coffee that hubby tried for this week’s saga of Try Something New Tuesdays. If you saw the last post, then you know that it was one of the items that we purchased during our haul at Burlington Coat Factory.
The Great Detangler Review #tsnt
What should I do? This day came must faster than expected. I knew that it was coming, but boy did it come upon me quickly. Here comes the day; the day (days) that I will be looking like a chipmunk or like one of Eddie Murphy’s characters in one of his famous movies.
Coca-Cola Life Review
A long feud has always been in the air and that is which one tastes better, Coca Cola or Pepsi and I honestly would say it has always been Coca Cola. There has always been a burn when having a Coca Cola that just completes the transaction. If the burn is not there then you know that it is not a Coca Cola.
Fe’ Fit Fuel Protein and Energy Bars
After a weekend of fried this and pulled pork that, Monday comes and what do I have to do like most hard working Americans? That’s right. Go to work after pigging out and enjoying every last bit of that fattening piece of yummy goodness I put in my mouth over the weekend.