I Miss My Heartbeats
As I laid on my husband’s chest and listened to his heartbeat I began to feel a little sad. I hear my heartbeat all the time and it seems to be no big deal until there is something wrong and I thank God to still be able to hear it. I became a little sad because I thought about our little ones, my little ones that I miscarried and how I miss my heartbeats. This post is not to harp on the sadness that I and countless others have felt during times like these and/or others when heartbeats become faint and then no more from senseless violence and other…
2016 Georgia March for Life
Hello All. I cannot believe that a year has passed so quickly. There have been many great things that I have been able to take part in and I believe supporting LIFE is the most rewarding. I chose to be 1 sharing love and not hate. I chose to be 1 sharing love and not judgment. I chose to be 1 sharing love instead of caring about my stats as a blogger; sure who does not want to work with the top brands, but if my heart sucks and I stand for nonsense then what good am I. It is more important that Father God is proud of me. I…
2015 Georgia March for Life (Pro-life)
Hello All. This is just a brief post on a subject very near and dear to my heart and that is LIFE. This was on my Pastors’ hearts majorly since last year and the need for us a church body to represent was just as intense. We as a church, attended for the 1st time in 2014 and it was at the State Capital and this year it was held in an area that was more conducive for crowds and that was at Liberty Plaza. My hubby and I went the 1st year together, but because he had to go to training this year he missed it. I missed my…