I Don’t Wait Anymore Book Review and Giveaway
My life is one that has certainly took some turns and major detours that I did not chose to have. I have my own direction or path that I believe is perfect for me but, Father God is the one and only one that knows the beginning from the end and everything in between. May times I have said okay God this is what I expect to happen tomorrow, but when those dreams crash and burn I feel abandoned and unloved. Come to find out God has his own route that He would like me to take and when He allows things to change or changes them Himself then what?…
Bearing Witness Book Review
How much are you willing to sacrifice to bear witness of Jesus Christ? What price are you or have you been willing to pay for the cause of Christ? There have always been in the past mentions of people dying for their beliefs in Christ, but did you know that it has been going on for years and continues to occur. It sounds like it is fake or untrue, but it is indeed the truth and thousands have lost their lives that we will never hear about but in Bearing Witness, there are 36 stories giving accounts of Early Christians to present day Christians. If you enjoy history and faith…
Sparky Shuffle Cocktail with Four Roses Bourbon
Four Roses Bourbon asked me to come up with a drink to celebrate baseball season, and although I am late for opening day forgive me please:) Being from the “D” everybody who could went to the Detroit Tigers games. I heard about them every since I was a little girl and still to this day if there is a game on and the Tigers are playing no matter what team they are playing I am going to support them. Baseball was a game that I would watch the boys play on the playground and duck and sometimes run away when the ball would come my way. To see the players…
Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes Book Review
About the book: T-Tapp is a brain-body fitness workout that draws its effectiveness from maximizing muscle activation, circulation and lymphatic health for every age. These exercises are specifically designed to improve strength, flexibility and heart health, as well as increase energy and decrease inflammation. It does more than burn calories and fat – it rebuilds primary body functions such as neuro-kinetic flow, resting glucose utilization rate and cognitive processing. Many report immediate changes in better digestion, assimilation and elimination along with increased mental clarity and higher energy within the first week. Teresa has an extensive background in exercise physiology, a Bachelor of Science degree, and has worked with…
Gospel for Asia’s No Longer A Slumdog Review and Giveaway
Maybe some of you are already aware, based upon seeing the well known movie Slumdog Millionaire, that parts of the movie were imitating real life. I received a copy of Gospel for Asia’s No Longer A Slumdog for free in exchange for my honest review and you can to and I will show you at the end of my review. This book was eye opening, heartbreaking and thought provoking. I will start with a statement that was made at the end of the book and that was: Live in the light of eternity. Love God by loving others. Make your life count. The beginning of the book gives you what…
This Too Shall Pass/Time is Now
Yesterday, I went out with some of the ladies from church to a place where you can paint pottery and hanging out with them was cool, but partially uncomfortable. Do not get me wrong, I was glad I was asked because I want be with other Christian women, but I was the only one there that did not have children on this earth and so when they were putting their children’s names on the pieces and talking about their children I did not have much too say. What would you say? Like when people ask me when I am with or without my husband, “How many children to you…