Sunbutter Gluten Free Treat
Hello all. I am back with another Try Something New Tuesday (#tsnt) addition and today it is my pleasure to tell you about the Sunbutter brand. I was gifted with some samples and it is just in time. I am currently doing a detox which I will tell you about in detail in another post, but it includes no gluten, no dairy, no sweets (sugar), no artificial sweetners and a couple of other things. Now most of the guidelines I have been sticking to for over 3 weeks now and it has been challenging, especially the no gluten and no sugar.
Thank God for Sunbutter, because I have to have something sweet and it just so happen that apples and butter have been my favorite substitute for having my usual cakes and pop. I have tried the natural and creamy sunbutter sunflower seed butter and it has been amazing. Okay okay, yes sugar is in both, but not a lot so I did not feel too bad and besides it is not like I ate an entire jar in one sitting, but I could have:)
Sunbutter actually has a no sugar version as well that I was not aware of but was glad to find out about so that for those of you who suffer from allergies and want butter but no sugar, that would be the way to go.
Sunbutter (Gluten Free) Treat
The main reason why I love the Sunbutter brand is because they are free from the top 8 food allergies (peanuts, tree nut, gluten, soy, dairy, egg, sesame and it is gmo free). Not many brands can say that about their products. 7 grams of protein in every serving and 3 grams of sugars which is not bad at all. There is also less fat and less calories than typical peanut butters. Sunbutter is found at many local grocers and you can find a list here ⇒ Purchase Some Yummy Goodness
Have you tried Sunbutter Sunflower Butter? If so, which one did you try?
I have received this products free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. For more information about Sunbutter, please visit: Sunbutter.