Shiftcon 2016 causing major shifts
This is the first blogger conference that I have attended as a volunteer and an attendee and it was magnificent. Shift happens and after this conference I want to be more involved in making a change. Making a little shift in my neck of the woods can impact the world and this conference has proven (with all of the bloggers, influencers, companies and speakers) that time and time again over the weekend of December 1-3, 2016. Shiftcon 2016 was in NOLA this year which we jumped at attending because it was our 1st time to be in NOLA together. More coverage of our visit is to come…
Now I can say that I am a part of the community of influencers who want to help change the health of everyone that I come across by voting for things that promote good change in our world and not harm it, by voting with my dollar to purchase cleaner foods and products for myself and my family, and by sharing with others what I am doing and what we as a whole with all of our little steps can make a difference in the entire world. Learn more about the fearless leader, Leah Segedie founder of Shiftcon, the mission of Shiftcon and what you can do to help the cause.
All the brands at this conference produced items that are organic and GMO-free which was a first for me. There are some great companies out there that are doing wonderful work for consumers and the earth that they need to be supported and promoted.
Shiftcon 2016 causing major shifts
Hubby and I had a late night in NOLA, but we were still early risers to the fitness event which was a yoga class sponsored by Boiron on Friday morning. This was totally our 1st yoga class in public and we did not do too bad.
With less than an hour to get dressed there was a wonderful and delicious breakfast, see picture above, of my plate along with the keynote speaker, Ron Finley sponsored by California Almonds who stressed the ease of growing your own shitzit (fruit, vegetables and herbs).
Each day was filled with many workshops that had wonderful speakers and great knowledge to share and take back to empower you to do better (working with brands, creating content, learning about what you are actually eating, balancing all aspects of ones life, etc).Â
Oysters people!!!! Oysters. I have not had this happen at any other conference to date.
Throughout the Shiftcon conference there were many opportunities to meet and talk to many great sponsors and brands that I could not contain all of the pictures.
All things have to come to an end and the best was saved for last and that was the farewell reception with JP Sears sponsored by Garden of Life and shortly after his presentation, some great giveaways from awesome sponsors were given to attendees.
There were many chances to win even more awesome things throughout the conference and the picture above with Rebbl. I did not win, but it was fun trying:)  I did win a few things which will be covered later.