Seeing Green Review and Sweepstakes
 Seeing Green Review and Sweepstakes
Now all of us have heard of people being green with envy and to be honest I have had my fair share of this type of thinking.
You know that feeling, don’t you? That heart sting when someone else receives the very thing you desire. When your best friend announces her engagement. When your sister says she’s pregnant. When your coworker gets the promotion. You tell yourself you’re happy for her, but something casts a shadow. That something is envy.
What if, in those moments, you were able to turn away from the green glow of envy, and see the spotlight of God’s glory shine on your friend? What if your first response was joy?
In Seeing Green, Tilly Dillehay, shares with us the sources of it and how to turn it around by changing the way you think.
Love and envy cannot coexist. Isn’t something. We have to constantly be willing to examine ourselves and our motives. 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV version: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.) is what this quote is based upon and it is absolutely the truth.
Enter for your chance to win a copy of Seeing Green here: https://www.blessedfreebies.com/seeing-green.html, but just in case you do not want to take your chances, feel free to purchase the book from https://www.harvesthousepublishers.com/books/seeing-green-9780736974943 and enter code SEEINGGREEN25 – for 25% off Seeing Green, now until – September 30, 2018.
Have you been Seeing Green lately? How did you chose to get past it?Â