Ronald McDonald House Needs You
What a perfect way to end the year and begin the new one by doing good in the neighborhood. There is always a need and I recently attending an event at the Ronald McDonald House in Atlanta and was moved. I honestly did not know what it was all about and after I found out, I instantly started asking people if they wanted to join me and make a meal one day.
Ronald McDonald House Vision
To ensure families seeking care for their child are supported, improving their coping skills and psychological well-being, resulting in better outcomes for their child.
Who wouldn’t want that for their family? That is why it is so important to give. Families already have a lot on their minds and being able to come and rest and know that they do not have to worry about cost. They just can focus on their families.
Ronald McDonald House
Part of the stipulations for families to stay at the Ronald McDonald’s house is that the family must have a child, 21 years and under who is receiving medical care at an Atlanta area hospital or medical center.
Donate to the Ronald McDonald House
Volunteer: Individuals or meal
Giving your time this time of year and throughout is so important. Come with your gal pals or maybe even make it a date night and come prepare a meal or two for the families at the Ronald McDonald House. Baking may be your specialty, you can come do that as well. Breakfast, lunch and dinners are always needed. Play video below of the beautiful kitchen area they provide.
One of the newest ways to donate to the Ronald McDonald Houses in your area. There are kiosks at some of the locations with more to come, but after you place your order you will be asked if you would like to round up the amount. Just say yes and it is added to your total. The added monies go to the Ronald McDonald House in the area.
Donate hygiene kits. Anything that you can use at your home, it is needed at the Ronald McDonald House because for some, this is their home away from home. Suggestions are: washing powder, soap, dish washing liquid, etc.
Holiday Wish List:
All types of items are on this list for the babies on up to the caretakers. The items include, but not limited to: pajamas, socks, blankets and rattlers. See full list here.
Donation boxes:
Still at the registers, so you can give your dollars and coins that way.
Betty Lou Toys:
40th anniversary of the Ronald McDonald House, serving over 56,000 families all across the world and to help celebrate, for a limited time only, if you donate $40 to help share the cost of a family’s stay at the House you will receive a Betty Lou toy and one will be shared with a family staying at the house. What a great deal and your giving helps someone else.
A special added piece that is connected to the Ronald McDonald House is their Care Mobile. This special vehicle is used to serve metro Atlanta’s vulnerable asthma population. It visits 11 Atlanta schools caring for those with Asthma. Isn’t that something? Amazing.
Have you ever volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House? What was your most memorable moment?

melissa chapman
This is such agreat cause to be behind. I had a relative who had such an amazing experience with Ronald mcdonald House so i need to get on board.
Amber Myers
I haven’t volunteered there, but we have donated. The Ronald McDonald house was a big help when my daughter was in the hospital.
Such an amazing cause! The Ronald McDonald Homes help so many people!
Sarah Bailey
These sound like some great ways to help out Ronald McDonald House! I have to say I have only heard wonderful things about how they help parents and children in hospitals.
This is one cause I always love donating too. My husband and I usually give our change when we order at McDonalds. I have never volunteered, but I’d love to one day.
It’s such a great organization to donate to. My nephew was in the hospital for several days earlier this year, and they were wonderful about providing his grandma (who is his caretaker) with meals so she didn’t have to leave the hospital to purchase lunch. I have always heard such great things about them, I make sure I donate to the collection boxes every time we eat at McDonalds.
Mitch Chaitin
I love our local Ronald McDonald House. I had toured the local branch recently, and was thrilled when I realized I had enough blog toys to be able to donate several large bags to help the kids.
Lisa Favre
I always loved the fact that there were donation boxes right by the restaurant registers – ever since I was little! I know that the Ronald McDonald house has helped so many families in needs through the decades.
Brandy Ellen Writes
This is so awesome to spread more about this. I know a friend who used the Ronald McDonald House to stay close to her child during difficult times. I am glad to hear you’re sharing how to help them.
Ice Cream n Sticky Fingers DFW Parenting/LIfestyle
I never knew about the Ronald McDonald house until my daughter had cochlear implant surgery in Portsmouth, VA. I wish that I knew about it before booking a hotel. Not only can you donate money and time, if you have extra supplies, food, or essentials like toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc, they would come in handy for family members who accidentally forgot these items at home. Dealing with someone in the hospital, running to get these items can be inconvenient. Don’t be afraid to get your kids involved in giving back too. Teaching kindness and helping needy families is important. Plus, it teaches them that bad things can happen to any family whether it is a financial blow or a sick family member in the hospital.
Jenn @ EngineerMommy
I never volunteered at Ronald McDonald house but it’s such a great organization. I love their mission and purpose. I’d love to help them out!
Janelle M
I love this cause. Years ago my mother also received help from the organization on my little brother. RIP to my mom.
Melanie Walsh
A dear friend of mine stayed at a Ronald McDonald House while she awaited her son’s release from the hospital after an open-heart surgery. Supporting other families who are busy caring for their children would be a lovely way to pay it forward.
I have never volunteered but always try my best to donate to support a great cause. This is an amazing campaign.
The Ronald McDonald House is such a great organization. When my kids were small I belonged to a local women’s group. We organized several speakers to present throughout the year, and one was a representative of the Ronald McDonald House. We also had a big breakfast with Santa every year. We gave the proceeds to the Ronald McDonald House.
Terri Steffes
This would be a wonderful way to give back this season. Imagine being part of an initiative that helps families in their time of need.
Jona Shares
Ohh, I salute every people who are behind this kinds of charitable institutions. I used to join events for this and its my way of sharing my blessings as well.
Oh wow! Thanks for sharing this. I would love to be part of this organization.