Revolution in World Missions
I have received a copy of this wonderful book for free in exchange for my honest unbiased review. #freebook #gfa #gospelforasia #missions #greatcommssion
Revolution in World Missions is a book that is moving and one that will make you think if you are doing enough.
This book has 18 chapters, starting from his humble beginnings in a remote village, to his calling to spread the Love of Christ. We are not doing anything if we are not making our lives count for good. This is a book that reminds me that it is not just about me.
Gospel for Asia has more than 16,000 national missionaries in the heart of the 10/40 window, operates 54 Bible colleges with more than 9,000 students, and heads up a church planting movement that pioneers an average of 10 new fellowships every day.
About Revolution in World Missions
“Lord, I’ll give myself to speak for You.”
Young Yohannan had no idea what those words of surrender would mean for his life and for millions of others in his generation. Once an insecure 16-year-old, he became a missionary statesman who has impacted the world of missions and whose unbending message has touched hungry hearts on every continent.
Step into his story and experience the world through his eyes. You’ll walk right into the book of Acts. And through his telling, you’ll hear the very heart of God beating for His creation. K.P. Yohannan’s passion is contagious and spurs you on to be all for Jesus.
If you are interested in reading this testimony and/or maybe supporting the ministry, click here to receive a free copy for yourself.