Oh My Goodness This Drive Is Too Long
You see we were on this quest to find a nice house in a nice area for not as much money we were coughing up for the past year. We want to own our own house again, so in order to do that we had to decide to save money somewhere somehow.
I am not sure how many of you out there have done this, but to help us save money we moved to a house in an area that is not so expensive, but guess what??!!

Are you guessing? If you said, “You had to move further out.” You would have been right and here is your gold star.
We have officially moved to a place that has officially increased the amount of time I am driving to work each day by 1 hour or more. Prior to us moving we were in an area that there was literally a straight shot for me to get to work and it took maybe 30 minutes each way, but now it is 45 minutes one way and 1 1/2 hours the other way. Evening or afternoon traffic is the worse of the two.
Every step of the way when people ask, “How was the move?” I usually comment someway or another about the length of time it takes me to get to work now. I believe I was checked by the Holy Spirit, at least, I believe I was because it came to me to just enjoy the time you have. You can be listening to your favorite radio station and more importantly praying. Praying for yourself as well as others, so now I may find myself doing a little complaining, but I welcome the time now. It is time to take situations to the Lord and let Him handle them, instead of just complaining about the 2 lanes down to 1. I said it was still a work in progress:)
1 Thessalonians 5:18, NIV, says:Â give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
So, I am not called to complain. I am called to take advantage of it, know that Father God is fully aware of everything in my life and does care and He allowed it for a reason and season. It will not continue to be this way. For all I know this is my assignment and until I am released I will stay right here. Â I could have been homeless, job less and car less, but GOD!!!
So for all of us that are complainers, ask the Holy Spirit to work that out of us. God has and does things and allows things for a purpose. We might not see them immediately, but He just does not let things happen because He felt like it. No!!! It is because there is purpose. Find the purpose in your circumstances instead of complaining.
God Bless!!!
Martha G. Brady
serena, i can so identify with you. GOD answers my prayer and when i pass it on, i tend to remember the down side of His answer:( not the grateful way to pass on His answer is it? thanks for pointing it out.
Thank you for reading Martha.
I can certainly point things out, b/c I did it too many times. There is always a reason to be grateful. God Bless you.