No More Worries About Clean Airline Seats with Seat Sitters
 have received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. Affiliate links are included and if you make a purchase I earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.
Ewwww. Germs. I hate them, but I enjoy traveling and it is a necessary evil to have to get on or in some form of transportation that others have used but wasn’t properly cleaned before you seat on it. Airplanes are no different. After flying on at least 3 occasions last year, I have seen many times the plane arriving late and some cleaning crew cleaning a plane in less than 15 minutes. Is that really even enough time to properly get rid of the germs? All of the germs? Oh please do not even mention the headrest. Omg!!! I know that is not wiped off and there is no telling what is on it. It makes me not want to get on the plane, but you know a girl gotta see the world so in the past I have dealt with it, but not anymore.
To help get rid of some of the fears of catching the cooties, in comes Seat Sitter to help with that problem. They come in adults and kids sizes which is a wonderful idea. What comes in the kit is mentioned below, but in addition there is a nut free sticker, hand sanitizer and crayons for the kiddos.
About Seat Sitter:
The Seat Sitter kit includes an eco-friendly seat cover, wipes for the tray table and armrests, a tray table placemat and a face mask. On a mission to make airplane travel cleaner & healthier, entrepreneur Gina Hoensheid created this kit out of necessity. She didn’t want one more vacation ruined from the kiddos or her husband getting sick from the airplane travel. Seat Sitters has become a nationwide phenomenon. They have been featured on ABC World News Now, Forbes.com, The Boston Globe, Inc.com, Yahoo Finance and TheKnot.com, just to name a few. Not to mention, this patented kit was also named to the prestigious Amazon.com “Choice List” and has a 4.6 out of 5 star rating.
Have you used or tried the Seat Sitter?