New Year New You with Ellie Claire Devotionals
I was given the opportunity to review three lovely journals designed by Ellie Claire for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
New Year New You with Ellie Claire Devotionals
We have less than 3 weeks left in the year and I am so excited about 2019, what about you? 2018 was a challenge for me from the jump and other than the last week of it, I am kinda ready for it to leave I know it sounds bad, but I am so eager about the next year that I want it to come on already. Â The new year is starting with a bang and will be filled with fun and exciting adventures. It is so full of possibilities that I can feel it.
I mentioned in a past post that there are 4 Ways to Establish a New Year New You in 2019, and for me one of those things include more time with my Daddy God. I found that I put too much importance on things other than Him in 2018 that just did not matter that I do not feel that our relationship has grown and that is all my fault, but there is always tomorrow. And with tomorrow, I am starting a fresh and do it one of the best ways I know how and that is by using devotionals along with the Bible, not just any devotionals, but Ellie Claire devotionals.
Oh my goodness, can you say I do not know which one that I relate to more:
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus which contains a line from a song or hymn and is followed by Scripture readings and prayer.
Peace Begins With Me which is one that I could have used especially 2 months back when I had so much anxiety and no peace at all that sometimes I did not sleep at night.
The Earth is the Lord’s and Everything In It which is great for ones that enjoy looking at any and all of His creation from clouds, to birds, and beyond.
After each day in the devotional, you are given a lot of space to write or draw to your hearts content.
So if you are looking for an added boost to your walk, or just enjoy journals these are some of the most beautiful and well-crafted ones that I have seen and are excellent as gifts.
Do you use devotional journals? What is your favorite?