Midlife Battle Cry #midlifebattlecry
I have received this book for free in exchange for providing my honest and unbiased upon.
Is your life over? I mean, you over 40 and the best in your has already occurred right? Nope, that is a lie, a lie straight from the pit!!!
There are plenty of Generals in God’s army who have done amazing work after they are reached the age of forty.
Are you over 40 and could use some encouragement and want to learn about your Midlife Battle Cry? I know, I am not roaring enough, but it is coming.
Being a person who used to be one who always pleasing others, the more and more I age, I realize that I matter. My opinion matters, and that I have a choice.
About Midlife Battle Cry
We’re wrestling with new questions in our forties, fifties, and beyond. Is this it? Did I do what I wanted to do in my life? Who am I now that my kids have moved out? Will my sagging skin eventually hang down to my feet? We feel a little like the world has nudged us aside for the younger crowd.
But God still has much in store for us.
God doesn’t bring us to the middle of our lives so we can park in front of the TV and binge-watch home makeover shows. There is no “midlife” to him! We are his gift to this world at every age and in every season, and it’s time to embrace it like never before. Right now, we are the best we’ve ever been. We know more, have done more, and’ve lost and loved more. We’ve figured out that all tweezers are not created equal for chin hairs and, best of all, we’ve crossed into a space of feeling more ourselves than ever before. These are exhilarating and empowering years.
One of my most favorite chapters is Hail to the No. I called myself learning no years ago at work because I would always tell people yes. No matter how much work I already had to do, I would willingly add on more and not say no. Trust me it was not easy, but I did it, but the problem was that it was there and there only, not in other areas of my life (Chapter 8 – Hail to the No).
“It is about making a decision that your time, your energy – both mental and physical – and your preferences about how to exist in this world are worthy of being honored and protected.”
- Midlife Battle Cry by Dawn Barton (p. 75)
Certainly, a book that you need to get your hands on as a gift to yourself or others. You can purchase your copy here: = > https://bit.ly/44zGsYy
Once you order, you can also get a Free Book Kit that you can use as an individual study or as a group. You are not done living. Rise up and start making sure your battle cry is loud and clear.