Life is Hard, God is Good, Let’s Dance
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Do you think that experiencing joy is hard for you? Do you experience joy daily? We are to strive for joy instead of happiness, because happiness is based upon happenings. Joy, true joy comes from a life experienced with Jesus.
He has come that we may have life and life in abundance, John 10:10
It can be a challenging thing to choose to live in with all of the craziness in the world, but it is possible.
Brant Hansen, bestselling author of Unoffendable shares about this in Life is Hard, God is Good, Let’s Dance.
About Life Is Hard, God is Good, Let’s Dance
It is about one central idea: joy. The book emphasizes that a deep sense of well-being, regardless of circumstances, is not only possible but is promised to all who follow Jesus. The author, Brant Hansen, doesn’t follow a success plan. Instead, he keeps showing up and taking Jesus very seriously. By doing so, he has become more joyful, peaceful, and full of laughter.
In this book, Brant shares stories from around the world, as well as from his own heart and head, with a writing style that will likely make you laugh, cry, and rethink your outlook on life and the kingdom of God. Through his unique life experiences and extensive travels, readers will see how God is moving through people all over the world. They will learn to live each day simply and with a faith and joy that is contagious.
Brant Hansen has a unique way of making you laugh, think and maybe cry. Perfectly weaving in the reason for our joy, and hope through Jesus Christ. Go check out his book, it’s certainly a must read! Grab your copy here!