Inman Park in Atlanta is the Place to Be
This post is sponsored by Horizon Theatre, but all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Hubby and I try to do something different every date night and this one was no different. We usually venture out somewhere and love doing it and Inman Park is one of our favorites areas of Atlanta to explore. I wanted to mention to you just in case you are thinking of stepping out to a different part of Atlanta, this is one place that should not be overlooked.
Inman Park is smack dab in what I would call the artisty district. Many opportunities to sitesee with all of the unique homes and businesses in the area not including people watching. If you love that alone this is one of the places to do that. There is no telling what you may see, from people with various forms of expression (dress, attitude, talent (singing and/or drawing on the street and more). Speaking of talent, one of the best places to see a great play that includes singing from very talented and unforgettable actors and actresses, including producers, set designers and more are found at the Horizon Theatre smack dab right in the middle of Inman Park.
Inman Park in Atlanta is the Place to Be
Now through April 30th, the Horizon Theatre is featuring an Off Broadway Hit called Nobody Loves You. This is a musical comedy that takes place on the set of a reality TV dating show. It does make you wonder to what degree of manipulation after seeing the play some of the reality TV shows have in it.
Horizon Theatre is in Inman Park and Little Five Points and every single play that I have had the pleasure to attend manages to be better than the last. It has the perfect setup in the sense that it is intimate where you feel that the play is just being put on for you, but the actors, producers and all of the staff involved perform as if they are on Broadway. They are just that excellent.
The current play is Nobody Loves You which is about Jeff, a grad student in pursuit of winning his girlfriend back but ends up a contestant on a Reality TV show only to find that she is not one of the cast. He attempts to expose the show’s authenticity and low and behold he falls in love with Jenny, a producer on the show. There are lots of little surprises here and there so make sure to pay attention.
Tickets are $25 and the play with intermission is about 2 hours long, however if you get a little hungry or thirsty they have refreshments and light snacks available.
After the play if you are hungry feel free to enjoy a wonderful dinner in one of the great eats in the area, note this is not a list of all the great restaurants, but I wanted to focus on two, Cameli’s:
One of my favorites from the first time going and I have not forgotten about it is Frontpage News: Even though I have mentioned this restaurant before, it is worth mentioning again..Great food, drinks and music
Cheers and here is hoping that you enjoy my recommendations for why Inman Park in Atlanta is the Place to Be so if you see me make sure to stop me and say hello. I am sure that I will see you at Horizon Theatre if nothing else for this play and many more.
Have you been to the Inman Park area? If so, what is your favorite aspect of the area?