If Mama Ain’t Happy Review
I have been given this book for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. #ifmamaainthappy
Who hasn’t heard the phrase, “If Mama Ain’t Happy….” then ain’t nobody happy. This phrase has to be among the top 20 phrases used in the world and one of the truest. I heard it as a child and as I have matured and have had my own family, I have heard it directed at me a couple of times. As a mom, it is easy to put your focus on everyone else and neglect yourself. This seems to be the going way and there is nothing wrong with it, but what about you? Mom, you matter. You need to take care of yourself to ensure that others will be okay. Self-care is not selfish, in fact, it is necessary.
Rachel is showing us, mamas, how to better shape your day to make sure that everyone within the home benefits. A home where everyone benefits are key. No one loses and besides who wants to lose? There are practical things that are suggested that will help.
Rachel shares with us the need for boundaries along with structures, rules or routines to help protect your boundaries.
About If Mama Ain’t Happy
Rachel used to be a mom who spent her days weary, anxious, and guilt-laden. She had five kids in five years, lived on three different continents, and then was blindsided by a devastating health diagnosis. Neglecting her own physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs for so long—in an effort to be a selfless mother—had left her utterly depleted. And physically unwell. Then she began asking a question she’d never considered before: Could it be that taking good care of myself is not actually selfish, but maybe, just maybe, something a responsible adult does?
In this countercultural book, Rachel takes some weight off your shoulders by:
- Offering hands-on, rubber-meets-the-road strategies to cultivate a life you aren’t trying to constantly escape
- Teaching you to discover and claim your own limits and boundaries so you can be a calm, resilient, peaceful mother
- Showing you how to shape your daily life and values around the few things that really matter, and how to let the rest go
If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. But when mama is at peace? Everyone benefits!

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To purchase the book, please visit: https://bit.ly/3BWixoY
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