Healers Need Healing Too: Healing the Healers Review
When tragedy strikes there are some brave individuals who willingly take on the task giving their full hearts to assist others, but how often are they looked at. How many look at how they are dealing and coping and whether they are at all or not? I heard a very sad story of a Pastor that had been there for his congregation, but in the end, no one was there for him. He felt so alone and abandoned that he killed himself. How awful is that? Maybe, just maybe if some of the people he sits down with and listens to took the time to listen to him? Maybe if he had the courage to speak to a professional or fellow Pastor friend. This probably would not have happened.
In this five-part documentary series, Reverend Matthew Crebbin talks with other faith leaders to discuss trauma from their viewpoint. The conversations touch on various topics including how to help a community broken by tragedy as well as how to cope with the trauma themselves.
Healers Need Healing Too
Healing the Healers is a new media resource intended to support clergy, laity, social workers, first responders and other spiritual care providers facing community-level trauma. The five-part film series is accompanied by a discussion guide including written reflections by scholars, clergy and other experts.
Healing the Healers is a valuable resource for clergy, advocates, social workers and, really, anyone and everyone who would like an understanding of how trauma effects a community and their leaders. Before the story that I shared earlier about the Pastor feeling alone, I never thought about the Pastors or Religious Leaders who serve the communities. I know that they are human, but sometimes you forget that they are human when it comes to tradegy. They are supposed to be there for us, but really everyone needs to be healed, because all of us are affected.
Check out this screener below:
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If you do not mind, for the sake of those in your life that are some form or first responder, please share this post with them. Maybe it can help them in someway or another, if nothing else, that there are others out there that want to know what they are feeling and are willing to help them instead of them always being the ones to help others. It is okay to admit that you are hurting and that just may help in Healing the Healers.