Half the Battle Book – Review & Giveaway
I have received two Half the Battle Book, one for me and one for one of you for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. Stay tuned to see how you can win a copy:)
Dr. Jon Chasteen talks about the pressure to hide our struggles in order to look like a “good Christian”. The truth is, we all face battles and hurts in our lives. Scripture is full of God-fearing men and women who tried to cover up their problems.

Half the Battle Book Chapters
- Before the Battle
- The Stench Behind the Stone
- Dealing with Rejection
- The Final Resting Place of Pain
- Time to Take Ground
- The Weapon for War
We start Half the Battle, with the children of Israel and getting to the Promised Land, but what had to happen before that? A battle, that’s right a fight. No victory without a battle. A hard lesson, but a lesson nonetheless.
It ends, with also the children of Israel and the author mentions that all throughout a battle, one needs to watch their mouth. For the mouth, can help you stay in the battle longer or it can help you get out of it faster. You chose.
One of my favorite quotes in the book is: “Rising above your circumstances and giving praise to your God is the very thing that’s going to cause the breakthrough in your life.
Through this book with an included study guide, you will learn to: acknowledge the struggles you’ve been avoiding, let go of shame and regret, partner with God in your healing, and find freedom and lasting peace.

So for your chance to win your own copy, please see below:
Are you battling something or somethings right now that you believe a book like this could help you with?

Tony Platz
I donate what I can to our local food pantries .
Valeriya Welsh
This looks like such an interesting book! I have recently started a virtual book club for some of the elderly friends that I used to work with in an effort to keep them social. They would love to read and review this book!
Monica McConnell
Right now I am helping my mom who had surgery. I clean cook and care for her daily.
Audrey Stewart
I shelter elderly rescue cats. I also get groceries for Miss Mary who is in her 90’s.