Hale Fertility Journey Month 2
Waiting is the hardest part for me. Waiting to see what is on the other side of that door. Waiting to see if it is all going to be worth it sooner than later. I do not doubt so much if but it is when, but it has got to happen soon Father God. I do not know how much more we can take. Is this the month? Is this the month that I can finally say yes I am going to put in my leave of absence form to my manager?
As you can see, I am sitting and waiting which seems to be all I have been doing for years but this time it is different. This time I am about to embark on something new or so I had hoped. If you do read my posts, then you know that last month we started a feature on Hale Fertility Journey Part 1 and Hale Fertility Journey Part 2.
So this new road that I am taking involves going to a holistic and traditional practice combined. You see, I have been wanting a more holistic approach for a long time, but never stepped out to do it until now. Doing the same thing has not gotten me anywhere so I took a chance and did something different and went to a place called Progressive Medical.
Hale Fertility Journey Month 2
If you live in the Metro Atlanta area, it is a good possibility that you have heard of this place. And what I have found in just the 2 visits that I have had is that they are thorough. They tend to test for things that traditional medicine doctors do not test for but whether or not it is worth it we will see. But my goal is to be able to use that baby blanket in the picture below real soon.
The first thing they suggested is to get the toxins out of the body by eating differently which is the step that I am on now. What does eating differently look like: no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no dairy, no gluten (one of the hardest ones yet), and no alcohol for 30 days to detox your body. These items listed cause inflammation in the body and messes with the endocrine system which in turn affects fertility negatively.
The second thing was to purchase a lot of different supplements that help clean/detox the system which you see below ⇓ is their own pharmacy/supplement store that I have not done yet.
The third thing is to sweat and keep on sweating and once your system is cleaned then in comes the good stuff which in addition to the better quality of foods and healthier body along with more supplements. Do not get me wrong it is not that I am against them, but just the ones that I cannot get anywhere else. I know that they are in it partially for money like every other doctor, but I am hoping this stuff works. Side note: If you have extra money that you would like to add to our fund please feel free. My paypal account is jerchap1ver5@gmail.com:)
The fourth thing is to obtain all of the results of the various blood tests (thyroid, hormone, and allergies) and see if they lead to a particular issue or issues that is the culprit to our challenges. The doctor said that I am estrogen dominant and progesterone deficient (can cause miscarriages) which is the test I am most looking forward to seeing the results along with the food allergy tests.
So as you can see I have been a busy little beaver trying to get a healthy bun in the oven and speaking of which, am I prego? Nope!!! Not this month but they are coming. Guess I will be at work tomorrow:)
I am still using the Fairhaven Health products to check for Ovulation Test Strips and Pregnancy Test Strips. We got some advice from our Pastor which was based upon a prophesy that we had received years earlier and that is regarding our little girl and he said to, “Get her room ready. Prepare for her.” So soon and very soon we will reap if we do not faint (abbreviated version of Galatians 6:9)
Do you have fertility challenges? What are you doing to prepare for your little one?
Feel free to share your story and make sure to subscribe on the top right of the page, and follow me on Twitter,
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Standing with you in prayer <3
Thank you Ericka:)