God’s Great Embrace Review
I have received for free God’s Great Embrace free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. #GodsGreatEmbrace #ChristianBookReview #GodLovesYou #GraceUponGrace
Who doesn’t love an embrace? There are a few of us, but for the most part, a good embrace is sometimes what one needs to make it throughout the day. Sometimes a good embrace can change the trajectory of one’s life. Now just imagine an embrace from Father God. He is the ultimate lover of us all, even ones that do not want Him. God’s Great Embrace wants to help you understand what His embrace feels like.
Must know before you start reading
Adrian Best, shares with us some of his experiences and how having a union with God is like no other union out there. Adrian starts by defining three concepts: sonship, justification, and sanctification.
Sonship: sharing in Jesus’ relationship with the Father
Justification: our position before God
Sanctification: life set apart from sin and to God
There are 20 chapters which are around 5-6 pages long and then at the end is a section, I want to call, make you think. There is an introspective portion that Adrian shares that makes one think. After you have made it to Chapter 20, there is a section called, Questions for Reflection and Discussion for each chapter.
Lots of Spiritual Leaders are mentioned within God’s Great Embrace, which helps solidify what Adrian is sharing with us. There is also an index section, that is divided by subject and/or names, which makes things easier to find if you wanted to focus on a certain subject or person.
God’s Great Embrace is an easy and quick read. It keeps your interest and is very relatable.
About God’s Great Embrace:
Imagine experiencing the same unshakable joy Jesus had while he walked this earth. Feeling for yourself his inherent sense of love and belonging, peace and assurance, purpose and fulfillment, despite life’s sufferings.
All this can indeed be yours!
Here is how to get your own copy, here:> https://www.godsgreatembrace.com/
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