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Freebies, Samples and Amazon Reviews February 2016


It’s been a long time, since I brought you a Freebies, Samples and Amazon Reviews post and quite frankly with the business of everyday life I almost forgot this time. I know hubby does not like packages left in the front room and I do not blame him, but as long I leave the packages near the door I will not forget about them:). That just helps justify the need for an organized small mess, not a big one, but a small square of mess.

I hope that I am not alone on this, but it is so easy once you put things up to forget about them. I am working on it though. I am going to stick with this month’s theme of it being National Heart Month and not stress out and cause my blood pressure to increase because I am late on a post that most times I put a date to not the manufacturers. I decided this past weekend morning to take some time and complete the Freebies, Samples and Amazon Reviews February 2016 video.


Freebies, Samples and Amazon Reviews February 2016

Wonderful fruit drinks that can be mixed with your favorite alcoholic drink to make a wonderful cocktail and as you can somewhat see there are recipe cards that came with this wonderful package from this Wonderful Company.

There are several reviews that have to be done: Cast Iron Cleaner, Electronic Nail Care System, as well as a Book Review.

Pinchme sent me some samples of Olay Body Wash and Scotchbrite Scrub Sponge.

A box of hamburger helper came from out of the blue, but we will certainly use it and lastly but not least, Oxygen and Diabetic Living magazines both of which I do not pay for which is awesome.

See video below with more details and thank you for watching.