4 Ways to Establish a New Year New You
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4 Ways to Establish a New Year New You
Officially 30 days from now we will be celebrating New Year’s Eve and with that comes thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. I am no different, but I am starting early. You see I refuse to wait until January 1st to make a change. How about you? Have you thought about starting early?
For a good 3 months, my life hasn’t gone the way that I would like. Sure there were lots of ups, but way more downs than I’d care to have so I’ve decided to start now establishing a New Year New Me now and you can too.
- Change your attitude: I have decided to be more positive and purposefully watch what I say and think about myself and others. The more positive I believe one is the better outcomes one will have as a whole. Look for a positive in everything.
- . Change friends/relationships: With a change in attitude sometimes it will require a change in you relationships. Most of the people I surround  myself with are positive and encouraging, but for the ones that are not…BYE!!!! Along with changing relationships, I have found that I need to change  my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I need more of one with Him and I am deciding one day at a time to work on that.
-  Change the way you think about food: Most times it seems that I tend to eat for straight pleasure and not for nourishment. This is something   that I must change. I need to eat more for nourishment instead of just what I believe will give me pleasure. There are foods that fall into both   categories, so that is what I will choose more of:)
-  Change my activity levels: Quite frankly, I do not do much of anything right now and I am starting to believe that I am one that needs to be pushed  and not necessarily by someone I know (hubby is such the encourager), but someone that I do not know, like a Trainer. If you are like me, Find My Trainer can help us (me) with this goal.
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