Eliana, God Has Answered
I received a copy of Eliana, God Has Answered for free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. #elianaangel
There are so many of us who have various challenges in their lives. We sometimes cannot get past them and sometimes we can with God’s grace. I want to share with you a story that is heartbreaking, but with God’s grace and fatithfulness, you see how this family got through it.
About Eliana
Candace Charbonné and her family faced an unthinkable reality when she was told her 37-week 5-day-old baby she was carrying no longer had a heartbeat. In this captivating and heartfelt memoir, Candace takes you through the devastating details and raw emotions of giving birth to a stillborn baby, the ensuing grief, and the saving Grace of Jesus Christ in her darkest hours.
The details of her faith-filled journey leave readers in awe of God’s intentional nature through her detailing of everyday miracles and His ability to strengthen and evolve her faith so she could walk the path leading up to the birth of her son Jeremiah 20 months later.
Eliana’s story as told by Candace is the epitomization of a mother’s selfless love transcending death to accept and help her daughter fulfill her God-given purpose.

Truly, Candace has shown to be a woman sincerely believing in God. She has gone through a stillbirth, but still chose to trust God and honestly I am not sure as to what I would have done. I am sure that I would have had some doubt, but I am so glad to have had the opportunity to read this book. It teaches that God never leaves you, nor forsakes you. It showed that God is faithful and although we do not understand all that He allows to happen, He never stops loving us.
During getting to the next stage of this test, Candace found out what the name of their daughter, Eliana meant. Eliana means God has answered.
Eliana Giveaway
If you know someone who has gone through a #stillbirth and could use some encouragement, this is the book for them. Enter to win a copy below: