Easy Self-Care Tips For The Busy Woman
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After just celebrating National Women’s Month in March, I personally think that being a woman can be challenging year ‘round and because of that women should be celebrated every month. What do you think? We take care of the people at work, at home and our places of religious preference sometimes at the same time without batting an eyelash.
Doing for others, although we would not sometimes have it any other way, but it takes it’s toll on a person. Women can tend to carry a lot more than you will ever know, because we are good at just pressing through it. No matter what the situation or problem we deal with it and move on, however we sometimes do not take the time to breath and take care of ourselves.
Self-care sounds bad and I fell into the trap of thinking that it is something wrong with taking care of myself, but this past month I realized that I needed to take time for me in three arenas: spirit, body, and soul.
Taking time to pray or meditate
Read an inspirational books or books that take you away from it all
I have recently come across 2 books that manage to add to my life and it gives me just enough pick me up to be able to use the nuggests myself and give some away.
Distinctly You: Thrive in your God-given uniqueness and move in that. Not what someone else is walking in and trying to walk in their calling.
Hello Mornings: Integrating a Bible study, plan for the morning and fitness that fits nicely into a 3 minute morning routine
Exercise some type of way every day even if it is a short walk during your lunch break
Being safe while you are out means potentally using items like a pocket bra where you can put valuables, keys or identification
Drink plenty of water and carry it in a leak proof water bottle which makes it perfect to throw into one of your bags and go without the fear of your things getting wet
Take women’s multi-vitamins and Mega Foods is one of my favorite brands because the ingredients are gluten, dairy and soy free.
Think positive and generate positive energy towards you. Get away from negative talk and negative people
People on your job bothering you? Go get some air!! Just moving away from the area even for 10 minutes can help immensely
Retail therapy, but on a discount. Groupon is a good place for this. I have found some great getaways and places to pamper myself (mani/pedi) at a discounted rate
Using candles, essential oils and wonderful smelling body scrubs, like the one I tried from Chocolate Sun to help ease your mind
What are the ways you treat yourself (self-care)?

On point with this. I agree that we women sometimes fail to take care of ourselves. Someone asked what I was going to do on my day off and all I said was spring cleaning my daughter’s closet…seriously it should be a “me” day.
I do try and exercise 3x a week, drink plenty of water, take a nice bath once a week and I started using essential oils. I also get a back massage once a month. I do need to get back to reading more books. Thanks for the tips
These tips are awesome. Loved the post.