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I Don’t Wait Anymore Book Review and Giveaway


My life is one that has certainly took some turns and major detours that I did not chose to have. I have my own direction or path that I believe is perfect for me but, Father God is the one and only one that knows the beginning from the end and everything in between.

May times I have said okay God this is what I expect to happen tomorrow, but when those dreams crash and burn I feel abandoned and unloved. Come to find out God has his own route that He would like me to take and when He allows things to change or changes them Himself then what? How do we handle it?

I-will-not-settle-i-don't-wait-anymoreAuthor Grace Thornton examines those and other questions in her new book, I Don’t Wait Anymore concerning her own life. She has been set on an unexpected journey with the Father that fulfills and completes her and all of it is a journey/adventure.

Hubby and I love adventures in fact we say all the time, “Another Hale Adventure” and we enjoy the ride no matter how challenging it may be.

Hubby and I have been ttc (trying to conceive) for years and at a time we have been so disappointed and let down because we thought things were going to turn out one way but ending another. All the while, Father was trying to use what happened to bring us closer together and more importantly closer to Him. We instead like hardheaded children, pulled away and did not realize what was happening. We started to settle on not having children together. Really (excuse my French, but to hell with it we have said many times), but after some time passed and we came back to our senses, we decided to set our face like flint (Isaiah 50:7) and say no matter how long it takes, God said it and so it is one of His promises to us, so that means we can have it. We will not settle for a no!!! #iwillnotsettle

Our trust and expectation is in Him and in His Word which He cannot deny so we will attempt to be a faithful as He is to us to Him and just enjoy the ride until the manifestation of His promises.

This is a hardcover book and it is beautiful. I enjoy how some of the sentences are in color and all caps to help make a point. The book is great for those just beginning their relationship with Christ or those who have been disappointed but want to get past themselves and see how someone else got through a situation.

God just wants us to trust Him no matter what. He has a ride for us and it is the best ride that we could ever take. Let Him drive.

Is there something that you just do not want to wait anymore for? Is there some areas in which you have said to heck with this life I want more and God you will have to show me?

If you want a chance to see how her adventure ends and maybe how you can begin an adventure, enter the giveaway below:

I Don’t Wait Anymore Book Giveaway


Thank you so much for reading. This book was given to me for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.