Downtown Detroit Bucket List: 6 Stops 2 Days
Skydiving, snorkling with the fishes, deep sea fishing… We all have some type of list including the things we want to do in the future (near or far), so I decided to share my bucket list for Detroit in hopes that maybe you may want to do some of them yourself. Detroit has been given a bad rap and some honestly is true, however some of it is not and it should not scare you or deter you from visiting. There are plenty of wonderful attractions and great food for you to enjoy in Detroit. My father’s side of the family had a reunion in Detroit recently, so I figured while we were not enjoying family time as a group that I used that time to take in new sites and review old ones. We got around thanks to Driveshop and the review of the Mitsubishi Mirage here: Mitsubishi Mirage Review.
Downtown Detroit Bucket List: 6 Stops 2 Days
Check out Downtown especially on Fridays where you can find music, fun, ice skating in the winter and much more at Campus Martius. This was my first visit to Campus Martius and it was while lunch time where it seemed that everybody was out enjoying themselves surrounded by the sounds of great jazz music.
Detroit Riverwalk: this is just a glimpse of what we were able to see as we sailed along the Detroit River on the Detroit Princess Boat and walking along the Riverwalk you would be able to see this too.
Detroit is known for their coney islands and I miss them now that I live in Atlanta. There are not many, if any coney islands here so when we went back home (Detroit), we had to stop and get some good coney island food. These are the spots that people go to after a morning at the club so I have heard:) Â We stopped at one off of 8 mile near my mother-in-law’s house and I had to get a grilled chicken salad. See below:
Nightlife is another thing that Downtown Detroit is known for, but when I was there I did not frequent clubs or anything Downtown, but this was a celebration and another #haleadventure, so the hubster and I decided to hang out. We asked one of my cousins for a recommendation of jazz clubs and he gave me one that I had never heard of, Cliff Bells. We went on a Friday night and it was popping. Crowded and filled with loud jazz music and people having a good time. We were quickly given a table and sat down and enjoyed the music and sang along with the band.
A well known venue is the Fox Theatre where many stars have performed and continue to perform. Lots of events there and it is just as beautiful inside as it is on the outside.
Who does not like baseball? Well there are a few of us out there. Too me in person it is fun with all the drunk and very verbal visitors and fans around, but at home totally boring. Be sure to come during baseball season so you can see what I mean. Comerica Park will not disappoint. I have been there several times and the food oh my, I can just go for the food and drinks.
See our recap video that has more behind the scenes footage below:
Thank you for visiting and sharing in my adventures back home in Detroit. See you next time with another Hale Adventure.
Do you have a bucket list? What is on it? Share below.

I haven’t been but my husband lived there for 10 years and loved it! I look forward to going there next summer and seeing all these great and iconic attractions. I do feel bad that it has been given a bad rap but thanks to posts like this I am sure that will change.
Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Definitely take the time to go Downtown. It is a must see. Every city has some bad in it and Detroit is no different. If it was not for the weather, we would still be there. Snow ran us off:)