Create Your Garden of Eden
I have received this book for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. #createyourgoe #maintainyourgoe #createyourgardenofeden #ad
Create Your Garden of Eden: Change Your World in 7 Days Like God Did was written by one such professional who was considered a star on the rise, yet she felt she was just going through life with no clear direction.
And so, she set out to find her Purpose, her Big Why and knew it had to be aligned with her Christian beliefs.
A Harvard educated lawyer, former energy diplomat, a business owner and artist, who now works as a negotiator of Google, Elizabeth Mannette found clarity in the Creation in Genesis – where the earth went from emptiness, darkness and a void to a place of vibrant life, with a beautiful Garden of Eden and a brilliant masterpiece reflecting the Creator.
The book mirrors day one to seven of creation, with a precursor Day Zero. Each chapter includes questions to prompt the reader to think deeply about the personal application of the concepts to her entire life or a specific area such as career, business, finances, health and fitness, ministry or family. The questions are compiled in a companion Workbook. A Bible Study Guide and a Yearly Planner are also offered. One online course has been created with specific Worksheets which has been helpful to Liz in her years implementing the process.

Create Your Garden of Eden Structure
- Day Zero – Pre- Creation Assessment: Find Your Purpose
- Day One – Creation of Light to Dispel Darkness
- Day Two – Creation of the Boundary and Utopia
- Day Three – Creation of Land and Plants
- Day Four – Creation of Heavenly Lights and Seasons
- Day Five – Creation of Fishes and Birds
- Day Six – Creation of Animal Life
- Day Seven – The Time of Rest
Chapter Seven is my favorite chapter because it focuses on maintaining a place of inner peace. Living from a place of rest is the principle that can undergird one’s lifestyle.
Let’s get you to the point of creating your garden of eden by entering a giveaway to get you a copy of the book or purchasing it here.
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