Changing the planet WhatIF Foods
I have received samples from the brand in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion. #whatif #whatiffoods #spon
For this first month of the year, how about using it to help set the tone for the rest of the year?
Let me introduce you to a brand called WhatIF Foods. With their delicious food options, from noodles to plant-based milk and more coming I am sure. Bring to us legume, that I have never heard of, BamNut. BamNut is short for Bambara Groundnut, which is a protein rich legume grown in West Africa regions, but also grown in South-East Asia.
About WhatIF Foods
WhatIF Foods is a planet-positive food and beverage company that’s on a mission to regenerate the planet and its people. As a global champion of true REgeneration, WhatIF Foods reinvents and innovates the entire food system and encourages consumers to always choose the better option. They do this by diversifying the food system with environmentally-friendly crops that can restore degraded lands, cut water consumption, improve our diets and increase food security. WhatIF Foods creates tasty, convenient foods that replenish with nutritious ingredients and restore soil health to increase its carbon capture potential and reconnect people with farming communities who are vital in our value chain.
Check out what I made with some of WhatIF’s Charcoal Noodles with Mushroom Pepper seasoning:

I am looking forward to trying the rest of the noodles that were sent to me because these Charcoal Noodles from WhatIF Foods are so good. Just follow the directions on the package and you are eating less than 10 minutes. I also tried the WhatIF Milk Barista to make some Chai Tea and boy was it good.

Comment below if you would like to try this brand?