is blogging still alive
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Blogging Still Alive?

Looking to make money? Wondering if people are still out there blogging?

Well let me tell you. You ask, Is Blogging Still Alive? It is alive and well and thriving and you can do it to….

If you are new to the blogger work space or content creation space, and want some additional knowledge, Intellifluence social media creators can arm you with some answers to your much asked questions. I wish I knew about them when I started years back. Trust me, you can never have too much information.

In fact, there was a time when I first started that all you needed to do was take a picture or two and put it on Instagram. Now with all of the information out there, along with the emergence of upgrades to Instagram and the popularity of TikTok  you see how Videos are platinum, not gold. Platinum!! People are making money left and right with the use of videos and they do not have to be that long at all. I have seen videos under 10 seconds. 10 seconds? It tells a better story than a picture and lots of brands want video, so let’s do it.

Is Blogging Still Alive?

Now before you dive into this blogger space, you will need to know some things, so let me share some knowledge with your right quick..  

be yourself is blogging still alive

Be Yourself

The biggest bit of advice I can offer is to be yourself. If you are in introvert, be proud to be an introvert. Do not be who you are not because you will not be able to keep it up. Trust me. I would like to consider myself, some of both an introvert and extrovert. I lean towards more that introvert lane though, but it is okay. There is nothing wrong with that. I have tried to be an extrovert, but that is not me.

Niche is blogging still alive


I am considered a lifestyle blogger because I talk about a lot of topics, but honestly it is better to me, at least what I have seen, to try and focus on one of two topics and then break it down from there. That way it is more specific. For instance, you may be a recipe creator, maybe you can use fast food and make recipes from the fast food. Hmmmmm. Not many, if at all anyone is doing that. That is an idea actually. Nah, I’ll pass.

pay the price

Pay the price and your why?

Be willing to stay in it for the long haul. Not much happens overnight. It takes time. Am I at the numbers on Instagram that I would like to be? Not at all, but I am not consistent. Consistency is part of paying the price. People will follow and unfollow quickly, if they see something they like or if they are not seeing enough of what they like.

Sometimes we as humans, are finicky, so it is important to make sure to not take things personal. If you focus on your why, the actions of the followers will not matter. You will be seen and seen by who needs to see you. Stay the course and be true to yourself and your why.



Look at your competition. Not to copy, but to see how you can do what they did but better or differently, but in a way that is true to you and one that your audience will appreciate. Still do things in your own way, but if adding a blue font instead of yellow is working for one person and you are not opposed to it, then do it. If a certain font is working for one person that you are researching and you are not opposed to it, then do it.


Invest in Yourself

You may need to take a class or purchase a particular piece of equipment. Do that. I have attended my fair share of blog conferences and have learned a lot, so I would suggest doing so yourself. You can write a lot of things off at the end of the year, so……

So, after considering what was mentioned above, is blogging still alive? what do you think? Do you think that you will join this blogger/influencer space? There is certainly room for everyone, but trust me, some people act like it is not, but it is. Don’t give up. What you have to say matters😊