Best Gift Ever
The Bestest (Best) Gift Ever
So that’s how it ended, with my father in law taking his last breath and him going home to be with the Father.
Several times within the last few weeks, my hubby has been asking me what I wanted for Christmas and honestly to me, not too much more than family members saved, us doing what the Father wants with our lives and maybe just maybe a monthly subscription to the world’s best cupcakes (Cupcake of the Month Club). Each month, there would be a different kind of cupcake from a different bakery in the area. Yummy yum yum. You know like they have the fruit and wine selections of the month, why not cupcakes.
Definition of a Gift
What is a gift exactly? Everyone knows that I guess, but just as a refresher, the word gift according to means something bestowed or acquired without any particular effort by the recipient or without its being earned. According to the Word of God KJV version, in Romans 6:23 says, For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Now to the story, my hubby and I have been going back and forth to our home town, where there is a building called Ren Cen, The _____ Zoo, keep guessing, you are oh so close. Okay, you give up? Michigan, our home town is Detroit and we try to get back to visit the family at least once a year, however, flying is my favorite way to travel (very expensive) because I sincerely am not one for doing 10+ drives straight through. However, since around Mother’s Day, we have been visiting our family quite frequently, but it wasn’t all pleasure trips because we have been going to see his dad because of various medical reasons that ailed him.
Not that I am super-duper religious, because I am not, but what I do care about is having a relationship with Jesus Christ and I believe in getting promptings and/or warnings about things.
In route to the airport, I got this weird (different), nervous sensation like this was not going to be like any other trip. And come to find out, it wasn’t. Without getting too personal (regarding the illness), we visited him in the hospital several times for an ailment that eventually aided in taking his life. While we were there we were believing God for his complete healing and we prayed with him on several occasions, but this one day was The Day!! The day that changed our outlook on life and changed his dad’s destiny forever. It was by God’s grace and mercy that we were able to not only be a witness, but play an important role in a much bigger plan that the Father had for us. This was the first time we were a part of giving someone the Bestest (Best) Gift Ever and that was to lead someone to Christ.

So after being there for a few minutes, hubby asked his dad if he wanted to give his life to Christ. His dad said, “Yes.†Hubby started saying the sinner’s prayer and dad repeated it after him and at the completion, hubby and I were crying uncontrollably. We were relieved that even if he isn’t healed on this earth we KNEW he will be healed in Heaven because that day he chose to make it his eternal home.
Since that point, unfortunately dad has been going down and hubby went back up to Michigan again in July and reported back that he was better than he was when he was in the hospital in May or at least the same, so un-expectant to us in early October we were told that they put him hospice and that the illness he had had once before had come back along with other illnesses. We still were holding on by faith that he was going to recover and we would see him like we did prior to May of this year, but like I mentioned one way or another we KNEW he is/was going to be healed.
Keep in mind a couple of things, based upon the fact that he was put in hospice:
- I was deliberating whether or not I was going to be able to come to Michigan with him and
- He/We were not going to leave out until Friday, October 24th
On Monday, October 20th, we both went to work as usual and hubby got a call from his sister in Michigan giving us the news that dad was given only until the end of the week. That quickly made up both our minds and we high-tailed it out of Georgia.
This is it
We left for Michigan that afternoon and made it to Michigan on Tuesday morning. We borrowed his mother’s car and we drove up to see him in hospice that afternoon and by Wednesday morning dad took his last breath. I can imagine his dad saying, “Okay, Son, come on. I am only holding on so that I can hear your voice one last time on this earth and once I do I am going to join my mother in Heaven.†God knew what He was doing. He kept him breathing until we were able to get there. I keep thinking to myself and I mentioned to hubby that the Best Gift that you could have ever given him is not giving him 10 grandchildren (even though that is nice), or taking over his businesses (now that is not bad either), but it was to give him the chance at eternal life with God.
For the Bible says “Jesus said unto her, I am the Resurrection, and the Life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he Live” (John 11:25). So he is certainly dead on earth, but he lives in heaven. So we rejoice that we had a small part in the true homegoing of hubby’s dad and we know that we will see him again and that he is in a much better place.
If you would like to receive this Bestest (Best) Gift Ever, please feel free to contact me.