Appreciating Affordable and Cheap Exercise Found in Douglasville Georgia
#exploreoutsidethelines #exploredouglascounty #exploregeorgia
Douglasville Georgia is growing leaps and bounds and exploring the area is a necessity more than ever. New businesses left and right is popping up all over the place. With all of the changes going on around in the area, there are a few constants, parks. Parks have been and will always be one of the most affordable forms of exercise.
With brighter and sunnier days ahead, more and more of us will want to explore our own backyards. One of the best and well-known parks in Douglasville Georgia is Sweetwater Creek State Park. Recently there was an exploration challenge given by Douglas County Travel and Tourism to get more and more Douglas County residents and beyond to explore the park. I am just about 100% of the time willing to take part in a challenge or adventure. Hubby and I decided to make overall better meal choices and decided to add exploring our own backyard more this year.

Affordable and Cheap
I sincerely appreciated that this trek was free with entry to the exploration challenge. Truly appreciating affordable and cheap exercise is what I found. The normal fee is only $5.00 dollars for parking, but taking on the different trails is free. Affordable right? If you know you are going to be coming often, spurge for the annual pass.
Treks Ahead
10,000+ steps later, we were able to meet some great people and exercise for the lows. We blow $5.00 easily, so it was worth paying to improve my health. Our guide was so cool. It was great that she entertained the questions of the adults and the children. We learned so much and now it is your turn.

Want to improve your health while getting some fresh air? Expand your horizons and learn how appreciating affordable and cheap exercise found in Douglasville Georgia can help your overall being.