All For Jesus Bible Study Review
I received compensation for sharing my honest opinion about the online Bible study. AllForJesus #DiscerningGodsWill #BibleStudy #FreeBibleStudy
With some of us still not wanting to be around many people, we find ourselves missing out on the things we used to be able to do with others. Having fellowship with fellow believers is one of them, and with that, intimate Bible study sessions are missed. It would be a time when you would ask and have your most burning questions answered in most cases. I have a way where you do not have to miss out on a great Bible study and be able to go at your own pace. In comes…..
All For Jesus
We all enjoy studies that teach us new and exciting things or offer a fresh perspective on something we have already learned. However, these studies are unique. We are not “teaching” material that you typically learn from “talking heads” by taking notes and might find fascinating…but never really make a difference in your everyday lives. We, however, are distinct. You will join an actual “group” and get into the Word that will speak directly to you and apply directly to the issues and activities of your personal lives — right where you are today. The most common response from someone who completes our studies is, “This changed my life!” And it will change yours too — which is what God’s Word promises to do.
We were given a choice to pick a from 3 of the top Bible Studies:
Life in Forgiveness
Discerning God’s Will
Overcoming Adversity
Discerning God’s Will
All of the Bible Studies presented were ones that I could use, but with all of the challenges and things happening within the last two years, I picked Discerning God’s Will. There are some unexpected excellent parts, like you can download a workbook for the class. You could post comments if you wanted to as well.

Many of us want to know what Father God wants us to do but get lost. This study will help find the best path.
Want to get started?
You can join me in learning how to discern God’s will for your life for free. Click here to begin.