Abide bible
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Abide Bible Review

Many thanks to Thomas Nelson Bibles for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. #AbideBibleMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

Looking to transform your Bible study time into something more intimate? If so, I certainly have a Bible that will certainly help to achieve that. Let me introduce you to the Abide Bible.

you yearn for life-giving, intimate communion with God? The Abide Bible is designed to help you experience the peace, hope, and growth that comes from encountering the voice and presence of God in Scripture. Every feature in Abide is designed to teach and develop Scripture-engagement habits that help you know the power and spiritual nourishment of abiding in Christ.

About Abide Bible

Created in partnership with Bible Gateway and the Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement, The Abide Bible’s features include articles, book introductions, and practical Scripture engagement prompts based on five ways of engaging deeply with the Bible:
• Praying Scripture: Pattern your prayers after biblical texts, personalizing the prayer and gaining language for the thoughts and emotions you want to express.
• Picture It: Place yourself in a biblical narrative as a bystander or participant in important events.
• Journaling: Focus and reflect on Scripture and its meaning for your life, opening yourself to God’s voice as you ponder.
• Engage Through Art: Consider a classic piece of art—photograph, sculpture, painting—and let it deepen your meditations on scriptural truths.
• Contemplate: Follow the church’s longstanding practice of reading, meditating on, praying, and contemplating a passage of Scripture in order to experience God’s presence through the words of the Bible.

Check out The Abide Experience: 21 Days in John, a FREE Video Devotion featuring Dr. Phil Collins, general editor of the Abide Bible, a Bible designed around five methods of Scripture Engagement that will change the way you read Scripture. Here is the link:> https://www.thomasnelsonbibles.com/abide-bible/experience

Features include:
• Bible book introductions provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read
• 365 Day Bible Reading Plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year
• Line-matched, single-column Scripture text for improved readability
• Smyth-sewn binding lays flat in your hand or on your desk
• Two satin ribbon markers allows you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading
• Easy-to-read 9-point NET Comfort Print

Abide Experience

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