Renovating Your Mind Devotional
This is a sponsored post, but my opinions are unbiased and honest. renovatingyourmind #devotional
It is almost that time my friends, the New Year!!! Yippie. I am excited about 2022, how about you? We tend to look at the new year as a time to begin again, improve and start over. Sometimes we just do not know where to start. I vote for improving our spirit man. It is sometimes the one aspect of our lives that is neglected, but in my humble opinion, the most important. Devotionals are one of the easiest ways and it packs a powerful punch in such a small package.
Speaking of devotional, let me introduce you to one. Renovating Your Mind Devotional by Patrick Egle is a must-have. Taking time a few minutes every day will make a difference and have a positive impact on your spirit man. Spending time with Father God is the best way to find out and see how much He loves you. Devotionals can be used in addition to the quality time one has with Him or it can be used as an introduction to Him. This gives Him a way to show how purposeful and intentional Father God is.

Reading Renovating Your Mind
One of the first things that I noticed is that so easy to read. Beginning January 1st and ending December 31st, days can be reread, read multiple days in one day and/or skip around. You can do what you want, just get in there. It will certainly change your life. I read one of the days and it is like reading 365 new stories centered around a different Bible verse.
Guess what? This devotional is also available on YouVersion. If you want to try it out and begin renovating and renewing your mind, download the app. To start the Renovating Your Mind reading plan, grab it here: YouVersion-Renovating Your Mind.
About Renovating Your Mind
Motivated by a desire to strengthen his family’s faith, Patrick Egle decided to share with the members of his family what he had learned from the Bible that day. It was nothing extensive or theologically profound―just a one-paragraph account of how the Lord had spoken to Patrick through His word. It was from sharing that initial paragraph that Renovating Your Mind came to be. This book is a collection of those same morning devotions, journaling an average man’s walk with a supernatural God through everyday life situations. These devotions were not written while sitting behind a desk, detached from the realities and struggles of this life. In Renovating Your Mind, experiences are chronicled in detail, challenging readers to alter their thinking that they might be transformed more into the image of Christ by the renewing of their minds (Romans 12:2). These devotions encourage readers to change their perspective from perception to truth. Through the lens of truth, readers will find the freedom and joy that God has abundantly given us through Christ Jesus our Lord. Renovating Your Mind is written by a simple, yet divinely inspired layman; easy to understand for every level and denomination of believer. Resisting the temptation towards elegant theological verbiage meant to impress scholars and dumbfound readers, this devotional instead is approachable yet profound. Whether a brand-new Christian, or a seasoned follower of Christ, Renovating Your Mind is sure to challenge its readers to deeply consider its contents, and to develop further their fellowship with Christ. |