Healthy Carpet Room Deodorizer
Healthy Carpet Room Deodorizer
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It is important for me to more and more to keep a safe home, especially when it comes to using more natural products in my household. From going from using standard deodorant to natural deodorant, I had to eventually graduate to my household cleaning products, to which brings me to this post. I have decided to try my hand at a healthy carpet room deodorizer.
After some research here and there, I have decided to use as few ingredients as possible and ones that I thought would be great for my family and friends that may visit our home. We want to be as safe as possible, especially for our newest addition, our grandson. He is going to be crawling around these parts often soon and we want to keep him as germ free as possible.
Healthy Carpet Room Deodorizer
Items needed:
3/4 baking soda
20 drops of Plant Therapy Kids Safe Germ Destroyer
Just measure out the baking soda and add 20 drops of the essential oil, put the top back on the jar and shake, shake, shake. Label and put where you would normally put your carpet freshener. Easy peesy. When you are ready to use it, open and shake onto your carpets. Let sit for 20 minutes so that the baking soda and essential oils can penetrate and get as much of the scents or smells you are trying to rid your carpet of are gone.
Keep in mind, I enjoy scents, so mine may be too strong for you, so make sure that you increase the baking soda amount, like maybe up to 2 cups per 20 drops, but to each their own.
Have you made a switch from unnatural to more natural products? If so, in what ways. I am always looking for more things to add to my #newyearnewme challenge.