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Gluten Free & Allergen Friendly Expo coming to Atlanta


I am overjoyed at this opportunity. Hubby and I went last year and learned a lot, but this year I was selected to cover the event officially as a blogger. Come meet me there and see why this is one of the hottest expos coming to Atlanta.

This is an event that welcomes all of course, but those in particular who have allergies and a sensitivity to gluten. I am still learning and actually looking to incorporate this lifestyle in particular in the area of pregnancy loss. There is supposed to be a correlation between gluten and miscarriage so it is good for those who have challenges in this area as well and I hope it is covered in one of the break-out sessions.

Some of the great companies that were there last year and are coming back this year are:

  • Kroger
  • Sprouts
  • Enjoylife
  • Earth balance and many more.

Coupons, samples, informative breakout sessions and more. Who does not want that?


If you would like to attend or know someone else that would like to attend, please use the word, ADVANCE, to receive 20% off the ticket price if purchased before April 1st and the link is here: ⇒Tickets

Guess what?? You can win a ticket by visiting Here and help me out by sharing and commenting “pick me”. 

Live updates including pictures and videos using #GFAFExpo on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Stay tuned so you can stay in the know and maybe I will see you there.