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#1 Way to keep your resolutions

Like many in the world I have made some type of New Year’s resolution: time to start reading the Bible more, praying more, eating less sweets, working more, and probably the number one is to become healthier. Shh!!! (Looking around), between you and me the hardest for me would be eating less sweets, but each of us have our thing.

It is worky worky time.

I like many others started out great but that one moment of stress or challenge might hit and then you change and go back to your “normal routine”, whether that be to slack up and not go to the gym and work out, eating a half a cake (I have came close, believe me), or not getting closer to God by reading His Word or praying.

I have found that my mistake was to try and tackle my “resolution” in a drastic manner, not gradual. Father God said that, in Philippians 4:13, NLT, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

My strong advice is to take one day at a time (like they do in AA) and of course I am not saying you need to go to AA, but what I am saying is that you don’t have to look to the end of the month at the beginning of the month. Matthew 6:34, NLT, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. No one is making you do that so why put that pressure on yourself, especially for those of us who are doing something they have not done in a while or have never done, because you might have a wonderful 1st day but then for whatever reason you did not accomplish what you set out to on the 2nd day.

Does that mean you failed? No, it doesn’t. I believe you fail when you do not try at all, or when you fall and do not get back up and just decide to stay there/stay stuck. The fact that you made up your mind to do differently, to better yourself is the start, now what you need to do is follow through, be consistent and persistent. If for some reason you do not accomplish what you want when you want please know that as long as you have life, you have a chance to do and be better so take advantage of it.

Try committing what you are trying to do to the Lord, see Psalms 37:5 NLT, Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.

In fact, let’s ask Him first. I know I tend to think I know what is right for me or what I need to work on, but I have found that I have much success when I acknowledged Him. Proverbs 3:5-6, NLT, 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.

I do not know about you, but I like straight paths because I know that is the path He put me on so I will be successful.

So what are your New Year’s resolutions? I would like to hear them.

God Bless!!!


  • Hillary

    I like straight paths, too…though to be honest sometimes I try to duck into the woods! There is so much great Scripture-inspired advice here about trusting God with your plans, your resolutions. Yes, we can trust him with everything, commit everything to our Father.

    P.S. I, too eat many sweets – far too many, and I have almost eaten half a Godiva cheesecake by myself. I resolve not to do that again!

    • jerchap1ver5

      I wonder nopensorpencils if we could be neighbors, b/c I surely could have eaten the other half of the cheesecake:) Thank you so much for your time and for reading.

  • Terrance

    Straight paths are the way to go. The problem for me is not being distracted by life and everything it brings.

    • jerchap1ver5

      I have been there many a day and if I do not pay attention, I will get tripped up again. Distraction is a trick most times from the enemy to get you off your game. Chose to focus and commit it to God and He will help you.

    • jerchap1ver5

      Thank you for stopping by 4gazpacho. I really appreciate it. That was the theme they we as a church body was given. Seek Him first. I admit, I haven’t all the time, but thank God for His grace and mercy.